We are witnessing a slow genocide in Nagorno-Karabakh: Die Zeit

We are witnessing a slow genocide in Nagorno-Karabakh: Die Zeit

The German Die Zeit newspaper referred to Azerbaijan’s blockade of Nagorno-Karabakh and noted that Baku is making starve the local population.

The article says that Nagorno-Karabakh is cut off from the world, food and medicine do not reach here, patients walk to the hospital because there are no more ambulances due to lack of fuel. Supermarket shelves are empty, and people stand in line for hours for bread, but never get it. Pregnant women no longer receive medical care and miscarry.

“Whoever you talk to these days in Nagorno-Karabakh, you always hear the frightening words of the 20th century: genocide, ethnic cleansing. This people connects its sufferings with the historical experience of 1915, when the Ottoman Empire destroyed up to one and a half million Armenians,” the article states.

According to the author, Azerbaijan’s dictator Aliyev threatens the so-called “separatists”, demanding to live within his country or leave.

“He has been starving up to 120,000 Armenians in the enclave for a month now. Armenians fear the repetition of history and speak loudly about it. But it also shows what it means for them to live under the dictatorship of Azerbaijan. And the fears of the Armenians living in Nagorno-Karabakh seem to be confirmed. The whole world now sees what a disaster it will be if they come under the power of Azerbaijan,” said the article of Die Zeit.