The new official dollar exchange rate is 2.9506 lari

The new official dollar exchange rate is 2.9506 lari

The new official dollar exchange rate set by the National Bank of Georgia is 2.9506 GEL.

According to the data published by the National Bank, as a result of today’s trades, the value of the dollar amounted to 2.9506 lari. The former exchange rate was 2.9544 lari per 1 US dollar.

Accordingly, the change in the official exchange rate of the lari against the dollar amounted to 0.0038 lari.

As for the euro, its exchange rate is 3.3622 lari. The previous exchange rate was 3.3801 GEL. The change in the official exchange rate of the lari against the euro was 0.0179 lari.

The rates obtained as a result of today’s trading will come into force tomorrow.