Office of first Honorary Consul of Armenia in Georgia is opened in Rustavi

Office of first Honorary Consul of Armenia in Georgia is opened in Rustavi

On December 19, the opening ceremony of the first honorary consul of the Republic of Armenia in Georgia took place in the city of Rustavi, Georgia. We are informed about this from the Armenian Embassy to Georgia.
At the event, Armenia’s Ambassador to Georgia Ashot Smbatyan, His Grace Bishop Davtyan, leader of the Armenian Diocese of Armenia, Giorgi Tabatadze, Director of the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, and newly appointed Honorary Consul Giorgi Maisuradze made a speech of welcome.
In his speech, Armenia’s Ambassador highlighted the opening of the first honorary consul office of Armenia in Georgia, stressing the importance of its activities, especially from the point of view of strengthening economic ties between Armenia and Georgia and more active inter-societal contacts.
The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, the Municipality of Rustavi and the Armenian community of Georgia.