Chances of advancement in negotiation process between Baku and Yerevan have increased: Amirbekov

Chances of advancement in negotiation process between Baku and Yerevan have increased: Amirbekov

Baku hopes to hold another round of negotiations between Azerbaijani and Armenian officials on the draft peace agreement in the near future. Elchin Amirbekov, an Azerbaijani presidential envoy for special assignments, said this in an interview with the Estonian television, reports Sputnik Azerbaijan.
According to him, “the opening of [regional] communication is an integral part of the peace process between Azerbaijan and Armenia.”
“The main direction of the negotiations is the agreement on the text of the peace agreement. It notes all the main parameters of future peace, including the restoration of communications. In addition to the main direction, there are two more: the opening of communications, as well as the delimitation and the subsequent demarcation of the state border between Azerbaijan and Armenia,” said Amirbekov.
Speaking about the restoration of transport communication in the region, the Azerbaijani presidential envoy for special assignments recalled the initiative of the Azerbaijani side to “restore the Zangazur [(Zangezur)] corridor so that Azerbaijani citizens living in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, or in the main part of the country, have unhindered land communication.”
“It’s about a 42-kilometer railway line, which, unfortunately, was destroyed as a result of the conflict. It’s not just about building the missing section. By the way, this work is almost finished by us. I mean the Horadiz-Agbend section. Unfortunately, the Armenian side has not even started working on the technical rationalization of this project,” added the Azerbaijani official.